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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Have you ever held peoples' lives in your hands because you were pointing a loaded gun at them? Ever been on the other end of one?

Have you ever held peoples' lives in your hands because you were pointing a loaded gun at them? Ever been on the other end of one?

The power of life and death over others. The ultimate in aphrodisiacs for those who get off on such things.

Now we have to exempt soldiers who are ordered to kill or be killed in war. What that does to them mentally and emotionally is not our problem right? If they have the RIGHT STUFF they go and do it and come back and get over it. Right? Only pantywaists have lingering problems. Some of them murder their spouses or commit suicide as a result of their experiences. The cost of war. Who cares?

Everyone else who kills? Well it depends on who and why and when doesn't it?

We are a country of loaded guns. Proudly so. No one messes with us because well ya never know who has one who will use one who is mentally unstable do you? Of course you don't.

A land of landmines. Cut someone off on a road and first thing you know "road rage" takes over and you are dead. Yes. It is that basic that simple.

Years ago freeways in the US were the favored shooting ranges of the gun people. Also for those who didn't happen to have guns throwing large rocks off freeway overpasses that would hit windshields and do much damage was also fun fun fun in the sun for some.

The wild west is alive and well in the US. Alive and well. Sigh.

Posted - December 13, 2020


  • 6477
    I am thankful that I have never killed anyone, pointed a gun at them, or had one pointed at me. 
      December 13, 2020 11:18 AM MST

  • 113301
    Ditto. Sigh. There is no likelihood of my ever owning a gun so if guns are involved it will be others pointing them at me. For not behaving as they demand I do. Thank you for your reply.:)
      December 14, 2020 2:22 AM MST